
Recent News

The Landsborough Hall has a stage, polished wooden floors, a kitchen area and facilities, fold away tables and seating for up to 250 people. Contact the Booking Officer to enquire about hiring the hall.

Landsborough School of Arts Memorial Hall

The Landsborough School of Arts Memorial Hall was established in 1927 on land transferred to Trustees by John Henry Edward Tytherleigh in 1921.

At that time, Trustees were appointed to hold the land on trust for a School of Arts.

For many years the hall was used for dances, a picture theatre and generally as a community meeting place.

From 1993 the Hall has been managed by a committee of volunteers incorporated under The Associations Incorporation Act and a number of organizations use it to provide activities in Landsborough.

The Hall has a stage, polished wooden floors, a kitchen area and facilities, fold away tables and seating for up to 150 people.

It maintains the historic character of Landsborough.

Executive Committee

President: Bob Burns
Secretary: Carolyn Farley
Treasurer: Stephen Clark
Bookings: Leonie Edey
Marketing & PR: Rachel Burns